The Best and Worst Prequels of All Time – Fantastic Fools Podcast #84

HBO have dumped one potential Game of Thrones prequel and picked up another, but are prequels good? We go through the biggest pop culture prequels to find the best, the worst, the ones that also exist. 

Also, there’s a big development in our Playtime With Pennyworth Season 2 campaign, Ant-Man 3, Spider-Verse 2, and Benioff and Weiss off Star Wars.

Click the player below or find us on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts

0:41 Playtime with Pennyworth

4:12 News (Cloak & Dagger cancelled, Ant Man 3, Spider-Verse 2, D & D off Star Wars, GOT Prequel news)

23:47 The Best and Worst Prequels

24:30 Star Wars Prequels

32:10 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

37:15 Prometheus and Alien: Covenant

41:00 Star Trek (2009)

43:50 The Hobbit trilogy

56:00 Fantastic Beasts

1:01:30 X-Men: First Class

1:06:15 Planet of the Apes

1:17:52 Watchlist (Watchmen series, Monsters Inc, Bojack Horseman)

1:19:00 Kaiju of the Week

Best/Worst of 2018 Fantastic Fools Awards – Fantastic Fools Podcast #66

2018 has come to an end, and what a year it was. The second annual Fantastic Fools Freddo Awards counts down the best and worst of cinema in 2018. Thomas, James, and Nick count down the highs and lows of a huge year in cinema.

If you don’t like a category, just skip to the next one, it’s all easy. 

2:15 Worst Movie

12:40 Best Movie Moment/Scene

21:53 Worst Movie Moment/Scene

27:45 Saddest Movie Death

34:03 Best Part of a Bad Movie

38:34 Most Underrated Movie

42:50 Movie

46:40 Biggest Unit of 2018

52:50 Best TV show

59:10 Best Movie

This will be the last episode of the show for a while, as we are going on hiatus for 6 months, so thanks to everyone who has listened over the journey!

If you have any thoughts on any of these categories, let us know!

Crimes of Grindelwald Causes Crisis of Faith in Local Harry Potter Fan

“Who even am I”

Jen Sutland was just a regular Harry Potter fan. She did all the things that Harry Potter fans do; relate every experience through the lens of a children’s book series, sort every human into existence into meaningless fictional school houses, and just generally call people who disagreed with her a muggle. 

However, after making the trek to the cinema to check out the latest entry in JK Rowling’s Wizarding World, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Sutland has undergone a crisis of faith. 


“I guess the writing was on the wall with Cursed Child, but I was too blind to see it”, said a tearful Sutland earlier today. 

“The movie is set in 1927 and there’s a McGonagall cameo! She’s not meant to be born until the mid 1930’s! I mean, if JK isn’t going to actually give a shit about the stuff she puts on Pottermore, then why should I? Plus the whole Johnny Depp thing, and Nagini, I… just… can’t anymore”

The symptoms of falling out of love with Harry Potter are as varied as they are devastating. Jen has thrown away her replica gowns, cancelled her planned 15th re-read and even started engaging with political discussion of a critical level.  

Sutland is currently searching for a new pop culture item to base her whole identity around, but she’s not having much love. Though its quality is undeniable, Rick & Morty has unfortunately been co-opted by the alt-right, and the Star Wars fandom isn’t doing any better. 


“I’m so lost, I don’t know what to think anymore. I can’t even decide what Hogwarts house the new senators would be in, who am I?”

Jen is one of many going through this phase, and the bad news is that she still has three more Fantastic Beasts movies to sit through, and she can’t just not see them, can she?

Want more Fantastic Beasts? Listen to the Fantastic Fools Podcast discuss all the highs and lows of the Crimes of Gridelwald. Available now on iTunes, Spotify, or by clicking the player below

“Normally I’m a Big Harry Potter Fan, But…” Stammers Nervous Reviewer

Film Critic Roy Topson is ready to tear Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Crindelwald apart, but first he needs to sedate the mob by reminding them that he normally like their dumb wizard movies. 

“Now, I am a huge fan of Harry Potter, but…”

Roy Topson is a professional film critic who has just been given the unenviable task of trying to review Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald online. The critic has a plethora of complaints and criticisms to make, and is in fact ready to annihilate this movie, but he needs to take one crucial step first. 

“It’s important to Harry Potter that you like the rest of their dumb wizard movies at the start of your review. Otherwise, they’ll just assume that you hate all Harry Potter and well… you’ll never recover”. 


The particularly loud Harry Potter fanbase has been fairly divided by the new film, but one thing is for sure,if you indicate that maybe the first ones weren’t the best books or movies ever, you are in for a world of pain online. 

“I once described Order of the Phoenix as bland”, admitted Topson, “I still get rabid hate mail to this day. Harry Potter fans are vicious”. 

This important clarification has become commonplace among reviewers as they try to explain how truly abysmal Crimes of Grindelwald is without incurring a visit from an angry mob. It’s a frightening world.

Want to hear the Fantastic Fools yell about Crimes of Grindelwald? Of course you do. You can listen to the latest episode of the Fantastic Fools Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or by simply clicking the player below

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is Hot Garbage – Fantastic Fools Podcast #60

The latest entry in the Fantastic Beasts franchise has hit cinemas over the world. It’s drawn a mixed reaction and some controversy, but did the Fantastic Fools like it? Spoiler Alert: No

James and Thomas get into all the talking points of the movie, all the characters, all the story elements, and, of course, that ridiculous final plot twist. 

We also get into the news of the week, including the Detective Pikachu trailer and Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor

0:01:10 News

0:19:20 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald NO SPOILERS

0:31:11 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald SPOILERS

1:15:48 Watchlist (Daredevil season 3, The Tick)

Want to listen on the go? Download the show by searching for the Fantastic Fools Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts